Many of our thoughts this Christmas are with those who have no permanent, secure homes – and last night ITV showed the work of one district council trying to...
‘A perfect storm’ – media focuses on district housing crisis
DCN has received significant press coverage after revealing the level of concern across our member councils about our spiralling use of temporary...
‘Unworkable madness’​: DCN concerns about waste reform spark media interest
'Unworkable madness'​: DCN concerns about waste reform spark media interest DCN concerns over the possible imposition of strict restrictions on how councils...
BBC reports on inflation’s impact on districts’ levelling up work
BBC reports on inflation's impact on districts' levelling up work [video width="1920" height="1080"...
Neil Clarke: County unitaries are no panacea
In LGC, 21 November 2016: The future’s bright. The future’s local, writes DCN chairman Cllr  Neil Clarke
Neil Clarke and Mark Pawsey MP: In praise of district councils
In Conservative Home, 16 September 2016: Brexit shows that we ignore local identity and what matters most to local communities at our peril write DCN chairman...
Neil Clarke: District councils working together as clusters can provide a better way than more unitaries
In Conservative Home: May 30, 2016 Writing in Conservative Home, DCN Chairman Cllr Neil Clarke says District Clusters are coming together to deliver more...