Essential local services continue to face an uncertain future after today’s Local Government Finance Policy Statement. All district councils need a guaranteed...
Local Government Finance Settlement: Critical services are on the brink due to inadequate funding
Today's Provisional Local Government Finance Settlement has prompted significant concerns about the future of vital district council services. The District...
“The last thing we want to do is to scale back preventative and value-adding services” – DCN Response to the local government finance policy statement
The District Councils’ Network has responded to this afternoon’s Government local government finance policy statement. There will be a maximum council tax...
‘District councils have no choice but to cut back our lifeline services’
Survey reveals how inflation and rising demand for services is forcing district councils to make unpalatable choices Cherished local services – including many...
DCN Response: Consultation on the Land-Based Gambling Sector
The DCN has responded to the a consultation by DCMS relating to how councils license local gambling premises, We expressed concerns that proposals would not...
DCN responds to capital risk metrics consultation
DCN has responded to the Government's consultation on capital risk metrics. In our response, DCN raised concerns about how these metrics will be used by...
DCN responds to Business Rates Avoidance and Evasion Consultation
DCN has responded to the Government's consultation on 'business rates avoidance and evasion'. In our response, DCN highlighted that it would be more efficient...
Council Tax Exemptions for Second and Empty Homes: DCN response to Government consultation
The DCN has responded to the a consultation by DLUHC to automatically exempt certain properties from second and empty homes premiums. We expressed concerns...
‘An essential boost to our over-stretched planners’
DCN responds to proposed planning fee rise: ‘An essential boost to our over-stretched planners’ Under-pressure district council planning departments are set...
Exclusive research reveals how residents value their council
Exclusive research has revealed unprecedented insight into the value people place on universal local public services and their trust in the councils providing...
‘A missed opportunity’: DCN responds to finance settlement
‘A missed opportunity’: DCN responds to finance settlement  District council budgets will remain under considerable pressure after the Government confirmed...
‘Every community and every individual will feel poorer’ – DCN responds to Autumn Statement
DCN responds to Autumn Statement: ‘Every community and every individual will feel poorer’ District councils have little alternative but to scale back...